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Welcome to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) site! This is an exciting time as the University begins to look at a modern ERP and to consider new functionality that may be available as well as opportunities to streamline existing processes.

This site provides details about the efforts for implementing a new ERP to replace IRIS, which has been in use at the university since 2001. Other ancillary administrative systems may be replaced as well, depending on the functionality of the new software that is chosen. The ERP replacement is being led by the UT System Administration (UTSA). More information is available on the System ERP website at

You will find general information about the project on this site as well as content that focuses on the unique needs of UT Knoxville, UT Institute of Agriculture, and UT Space Institute. As the project progresses, content on this site will be updated with news on the project status, information on campus and institute meetings, and details on the impact for campus and institute constituents.

Please bookmark this page so you can easily return to see updates on the project.

In addition to this website, we will be sharing information through email, town hall meetings, and other communication methods as the project progresses.

We are excited about this journey that we are all taking together!